nyc 1870

Brooklyn Heights Fort Greene The City Morgue Madame Restell's Central Park Menagerie The Brooklyn Bridge The Smith Blacksall Clinic The Henley House / Blacks in New York Harbors and Street Cleaning Castle Garden & Immigration Staten Island Ferry Trinity Church The Old Post Office Sewermen's Bath Hall/Sewers and Sanitation Noe Brush Factory & Bentham's Panopticon City Hall and the Tweed Courthouse Billy's Bar Billy's Bar The Old Bowery Theater Billy's Bar Lower East Side Tenements The Whyos Lower East Side Tenements Wah Kee's - Chinese in NY The Five Points The Tombs Sewermen's Bath Hall/Sewers and Sanitation Street Paving Barnum's American Museum The Smith Blacksall Clinic The Cooper Union Barnum Hippodrome New York City circa 1870

Map: ©David Lindroth 2004